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A free Productivity app for Android

A free Productivity app for Android

Vote: (1 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: SafeInCloud

Version: 24.6.7

Works under: Android

Also available for Mac Windows


Program license

(1 votes)






Works under:

Also available for


Mac Windows


  • Robust security with 256-bit AES encryption
  • User-friendly interface
  • Effective password management and storage


  • Issues with barcode scanning function
  • Problems coordinating master password across different devices

Keep your passwords safe and accessible with Password Manager SafeInCloud for Android.


Password Manager SafeInCloud is an application designed to provide a secure and user-friendly method of managing and storing passwords. The app ensures that your passwords are safely stored with powerful encryption methods and offers a convenient, accessible way to manage your login credentials.

Interface and Usability

The interface of Password Manager SafeInCloud is clean, straightforward, and easy to navigate. This user-friendly design ensures that even users with little tech experience can quickly learn how to use the app. However, users have reported issues with the app's barcode scanning function, which relies on an older app that many modern Android devices no longer support.

Password Management

One of the standout features of Password Manager SafeInCloud is its capacity for password management. Users can generate strong, unique passwords for each site or service they use, eliminating the need for repetitive or easily guessable passwords. But there have been reports of a persistent problem when coordinating the master password across iOS and Android devices. Despite this issue, the app generally performs well in managing and storing passwords.


Password Manager SafeInCloud uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the same encryption standard used by the U.S. Government, to protect your passwords. This robust security measure ensures that your passwords are safe from unauthorized access.


Overall, Password Manager SafeInCloud offers an excellent solution for managing and storing passwords. While it does have some drawbacks, particularly regarding the barcode scanning function and master password coordination, its strengths in security and usability make it a worthwhile choice for those in need of a reliable password manager.


  • Robust security with 256-bit AES encryption
  • User-friendly interface
  • Effective password management and storage


  • Issues with barcode scanning function
  • Problems coordinating master password across different devices